Glam News Magazine

În cazul în care nu ai găsit până acum nunața perfectă de fond de ten, Morphe îți vine în ajutor cu o nouă paletă ce conține nu mai puțin de 60 de nuanțe, care țin cont de subtonurile pielii.

The Fluidity Foundation, 30ml, are o formulă mată, acoperire completă și, cel mai important, este accesibil, prețul fiind de 20€. Promite 24 de ore acoperire, este rezistent la apă și rezistent la transfer, nu conține uleiuri, parfum sau parabeni și se potrivește tuturor tipurilor de ten.


Iată nuanțele:

LEVEL 1: Light
F1.10 (NEUTRAL: fairest with neutral undertones)

F1.20 (NEUTRAL: fairest with slightly yellow undertones)

F1.30 (COOL: fairest with pink undertones)

F1.40 (WARM: fair with yellow undertones)

F1.50 (NEUTRAL: fair with neutral undertones)

F1.60 (NEUTRAL: fair with slightly pink undertones)

F1.70 (NEUTRAL: fair with slightly peach undertones)

F1.80 (WARM: light with yellow undertones)

F1.90 (OLIVE: light with neutral green undertones)

F1.100 (NEUTRAL: light with slightly pink undertones)

F1.110 (COOL: light with pink undertones)

F1.120 (NEUTRAL: light with neutral undertones)

LEVEL 2: Medium
F2.10 (COOL: light with slightly peach undertones)

F2.20 (NEUTRAL: light medium with neutral undertones)

F2.30 (WARM: light medium with golden undertones)

F2.40 (NEUTRAL: light medium with peach undertones)

F2.50 (OLIVE: light medium with yellow-green undertones)

F2.60 (NEUTRAL: medium with neutral undertones)

F2.70 (NEUTRAL: medium with slightly peach undertones)

F2.80 (WARM: medium with golden undertones)

F2.90 (WARM: medium with peach undertones)

F2.100 (WARM: medium with rich golden undertones)

F2.110 (NEUTRAL: medium with slightly golden undertones)

F2.120 (NEUTRAL: medium with slightly pink undertones)

LEVEL 3: Tan
F3.10 (WARM: medium with slightly peach undertones)

F3.20 (OLIVE: medium with golden-green undertones)

F3.30 (WARM: medium tan with rich golden undertones)

F3.40 (NEUTRAL: medium tan with peach undertones)

F3.50 (NEUTRAL: tan with neutral undertones)

F3.60 (WARM: tan with golden undertones)

F3.70 (NEUTRAL: tan with slightly golden undertones)

F3.80 (COOL: tan with slightly red undertones)

F3.90 (WARM: tan with peach undertones)

F3.100 (OLIVE: tan with rich golden-green undertones)

F3.110 (NEUTRAL: deep tan with slightly red undertones)

F3.120 (WARM: deep tan with rich red undertones)

LEVEL 4: Rich
F4.10 (WARM: deep tan with golden undertones)

F4.20 (WARM: deep tan with rich golden undertones)

F4.30 (WARM: deep tan with golden peach undertones)

F4.40 (NEUTRAL: rich with neutral undertones)

F4.50 (WARM: rich with golden red undertones)

F4.60 (COOL: rich with cool red undertones)

F4.70 (WARM: rich with slightly red undertones)

F4.80 (NEUTRAL: rich with golden undertones)

F4.90 (WARM: rich with deep peach undertones)

F4.100 (WARM: rich with warm red undertones)

F4.110 (OLIVE: rich with neutral green undertones)

F4.120 (COOL: rich with deep red undertones)

LEVEL 5: Deep
F5.10 (COOL: rich with cool peach undertones)

F5.20 (WARM: deep with neutral golden undertones)

F5.30 (WARM: deep with rich peach undertones)

F5.40 (WARM: deep with golden undertones)

F5.50 (WARM: deep with rich red undertones)

F5.60 (NEUTRAL: deep with neutral undertones)

F5.70 (WARM: deepest with peach red undertones)

F5.80 (NEUTRAL: deepest with slightly golden undertones)

F5.90 (OLIVE: deepest with rich green undertones)

F5.100 (NEUTRAL: deepest with slightly red undertones)

F5.110 (WARM: deepest with rich red undertones)

F5.120 (NEUTRAL: deepest with neutral undertones)


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